Forest Information System ALFIS, (Albanian Forest Information System) is the Albanian Forest Information System established within the framework of the Environmental Services Project. This system was funded by the Swedish Government through the World Bank during the years 2019-2021.
ALFIS is a web-system with a server hosted at the National Agency for the Information Society (AKSHI) and aims to manage geo-information and data information of the Forest and Pasture Fund, regardless of ownership.
The installed language is in Albanian and English.
The Forest and Pasture Data System is administered by the National Forest Agency and the Ministry of Tourism and Environment. The main users are municipalities, private owners, the National Agency for Protected Areas, the Faculty of Forest Sciences and other stakeholders interested in the field of forests.
The structure of the ALFIS system has been completed, but despite this, during its implementation phase, there will be a need to re-program certain fields, which will "populate" the data and the functioning of the system. Currently, the improvement and maintenance procedures by the NAKSHI have begun.
The logical structure of ALFIS is based on a three-tier architecture with the following layers:
• Data layer
• Application layer
• Intermediate layer (interface)
Also, the security layer, based on a single sign-on, serves to control and manage access to data and services.
ALFIS' IT infrastructure is based on virtual servers. This solution enables the best distribution of IT resources across different servers (RAM and CPU) and the balancing/strengthening of resources depending on the needs and load of the servers.
The functional structure for use consists of 8 modules (“GIS DATA”, “BPM, “DOKUMENT”, “FPMP PROJECT”, “CATALOGUE”, “REGISTRY”, “GIS PUBLISHER”, “USER MANAGER”), which are interconnected by exchanging information with each other. This means that when we are dealing with logical connections between modules, the data will be automatically reflected in all interconnected modules.
All modules have their importance according to the field of operation and the most efficient use of the system, but we can say that GIS DATA It is the module where most geospatial and numerical data are centralized, taking the forest plot as the basic unit.
Previously, through a GIS program "Interim", the municipalities worked with the help of the project to digitize the boundaries of sub-plots, farms and to provide some initial data on the forest and pasture fund according to existing maps from 1985.
Municipalities update cadastral data in the system through the national forest fund registry, which takes its database from the drafting of management plans. Through ALFIS, the procedure for drafting and approving management plans will be managed, as well as the approval and periodic monitoring of annual forest work plans, both those in implementation of plans and those through projects or as needed on a case-by-case basis.
ALFIS enables the publication of forest maps or any other information related to monitoring networks or various projects according to forest economies regardless of ownership. In ALFIS modules, the agency is given the opportunity to add or remove "domains" according to user requests.
ALFIS, through the GIS-DATA module, makes it possible to build a project directly in the system where, through various work tools, interference in forest infrastructure or forest plots is identified, as well as silvotechnical or management interventions of the forest fund are recorded.
Any request for approval or project implementation by entities in various forest areas is managed through the system under the supervision of the administrator (AKP) and the MTM and the municipalities for the territories they cover.
The system is composed of 8 modules, which are interconnected by exchanging information with each other. This means that when we deal with logical connections between modules, the data will be automatically reflected in all interconnected modules.
Below we provide a brief description of each module.
1. “GIS DATA” module is a WebGIS system for spatial data management where a series of servers are deployed on which applications and data are organized to provide cartographic services to system users.
2. “BPM manager” module The administrator user management module (AKP) enables the administrator to manage every user request through the email exchange system and to set rights and restrictions for different users. Also, through BPM, the logical flow of each process is managed by maintaining the history of actions.
3. “DOCUMENT” module is a module where users upload documentation based on the system's requirements, which can search and display this document through keywords. Also, the system makes it possible for documents to be used within it to address specific issues as appropriate, let's say that it is an archive that also communicates with other modules, once programs are installed that read these documents, pdf, word or jug, etc.
4. “FPMP PROJECT” module is a multifunctional database module for forest and pasture management or breeding plans. Through it, the user can view data regarding the planning of works in a plan, its progress over time, the realizations and expenses of this plan, as well as many other data such as status, managers, works carried out.
5. “CATALOGUE” module makes it possible to view all metadata (a set of data describing a loaded document) i.e. all the first data loaded by the programmer to be selected when working in all layers, modules or windows of the system. The user views them and can request their change, addition or deletion (understood with the accompanying argument). The administrator reviews the request, approves or not the requested changes.
6. “REGISTRY” module It deals with the registry of all domains used in mapping. This is a module that is mostly used by the administrator (IT or programmer) but is also viewed by users. Here you can delete, add, or change the list of domains, codes or descriptions. The language of the domains is English, but there is also a translation into Albanian on the same “registry” page.
7. “GIS PUBLISHER” module makes it possible to modify or build the legends used in Webgis which appear when using this module, i.e. allows us to customize the legends used to display cartography in the GIS DATA module. Each user is able to view, and consequently modify only their own legends (it is understood that they can also populate with alphanumeric data).
8. “USER MANAGER” module used only by the administrator is the user management system that enables defined GROUPS to have characteristics according to their representation profile and rights or restrictions in the use of ALFIS.
2023-2025 Agjencia Kombëtare e Pyjeve